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    5 Ways to Humanize Ads, One Video at a Time

    Now that 2024 has started off at full speed, how is your list of resolutions going? As human beings and marketers, we believe humans are social creatures. Therefore, establishing authentic connections deserves a priority spot on our list. 

    Video is a great way to connect with your audience and projections reveal that it will keep ruling also in 2024. In view of this, humanizing your video ads means making them more relatable, authentic, and emotional, so that you can connect with your audience and build trust, loyalty and engagement. 

    Curious to find out more? Here are five concrete steps on humanizing ads, one video at a time, to help you jumpstart your 2024:

    • Know your audience. According to a study by Capgemini, four out of five (82%) customers are likely to buy from their favourite brands. That’s why before you create and distribute your video ad, you need to understand who you are talking to, what they care about, and what they need. Where to start? Tools like Google Analytics, Facebook Insights, or email marketing software can help you track and analyse your audience’s demographics, behaviours, and preferences. You can also use surveys, interviews, or social media to get feedback and insights from your audience. Still, the best would be to try to obtain and use solid verifiable 1st party data about your audience by partnering with reliable platforms in order to avoid wasting your ad budget on fraudulent bot activity.
    • Tell a story in your audience’s language. A story is a powerful way to humanize your video ads, as it can capture the attention, interest, and emotion of your audience. A story can also showcase your brand’s personality, values, and purpose, and how you can solve your audience’s problems, educate or entertain them. According to statistics:
    • Viewers retain 95% of a message when watching it on video (vs. 10% through text).
    • Visual content is processed by the human brain 60,000 times faster than text.
    • Globally, over half of all produced videos (56%) are shorter than 2 minutes.

                Apparently, video is a great storytelling tool, and short video ads are particularly effective        when your audience is on the go and has a limited time to interact with your brand.      

    • Beware of context. Context is the relevance and suitability of an ad to the content and audience of the platform where it is displayed. Context can have a positive or negative impact on the brand’s market share and position, depending on how well the ad matches the platform. It is important for publishing ads because it can affect how the audience perceives and responds to the ad – for example, foster the trust and loyalty of the audience, by aligning the ad with the values, expectations, and culture of the audience, and by avoiding disrupting or offending the user experience. However, too often ads fall victim to the wrong context and inflict brand damage. For further details on how context can harm the reputation and image of a brand due to inappropriate or controversial content, check our previous articles here.   
    • Be authentic and transparent. Authenticity and transparency are essential for humanizing your video ads, as they can build trust and loyalty with your audience. According to this article, a company’s communication style is one of the keys to achieving the transformation from a faceless business to a relatable brand. How can you be more authentic and transparent? By being consistent with your brand’s identity and message, by showing your brand’s strengths and weaknesses, by being honest and ethical in your claims and promises and by respecting your consumers’ choices and preferences.
    • Add emotion and humour to build a connection. Emotion and humour are effective ways to humanize your video ads, as they can evoke positive feelings and reactions from your audience. According to this article, emotion plays a considerable role in a consumer’s buying decision and it can actually make or break your campaign. An emotional connection between a customer and the organization is 52% more valuable than a highly satisfied customer, according to Harvard Business Review. 71% of customers recommend a brand based on their emotional connection to it and emotionally connected customers are more likely to spend double on their favourite brands (Motista). Clearly, emotion and humour can make your video ads more memorable and shareable, and increase your brand’s likability and affinity. You can add emotion and humour by using visuals, or words that match your brand’s tone and style, and by consistently investing in an emotional marketing strategy.

    Novelty Media, via SmartAdd, offers an innovative consumer-centric mobile media channel. Our proprietary platform powers the creation, distribution and monetization of static and interactive content. SmartAdd is optimized for video storytelling, which cuts through the noise to connect and resonate with your audience on a human level. How? By utilizing 4 routine smartphone functions and turning them into impactful viewing events. Join our global advertisers who have repeatedly chosen our innovative platform for their content. We are fully endorsed by Mobile Operators so you can rest assured that your audience consists solely of human beings – verified mobile subscribers. Contact us and get ready to experience the difference our solution makes.