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    Not Optimizing for Human Attention? Then Forget About Advertising (Part I) 

    Want to improve advertising effectiveness? Optimize for human attention! In a world where Web3, AI and the metaverse are the latest hype getting media coverage, we were delighted to come across this very different, thought-provoking and insightful blog by Paolo Provinciali.  According to Provinciali – a senior media professional calling himself an „economist by education, marketer by profession, […]

    High-Quality Ad Environments Crucial to Brand Perceptions

    Would you mind placing your ads in a shady environment? Does context really matter that much? We have previously dived into the critical importance of context relevance in ad placement here. Furthermore, various research proves that consumers judge brands by the company they keep. According to a recent Marketing Week analysis of several psychology experiments, brand perceptions are […]

    In Content Marketing, Everyone Wants to Do More with Video, Report Reveals

    As more people are creating more content, the question if it delivers the expected results often remains open.  According to the results from a recent survey, marketers can create not just more content but content that produces better results, based on focusing efforts in the highest performing areas. The report by, an analytics platform built for content […]

    Study Reveals: For Significantly More Brand Awareness, Choose Digital Display Advertising over Facebook

    Tempted to invest your hard-earned marketing dollars in paid social to boost brand awareness?  Better not! A new study by Engagement Labs commissioned by G/O Media reveals that digital display advertising drives significantly more brand awareness than paid social. The analysis is based on syndicated online and offline consumer conversation tracking from Engagement Labs over […]

    Noisy World: Harnessing the Power of Attention with SmartAdd

    In an overly cluttered environment, the one thing that becomes so scarce that it’s getting almost impossible to harness is Attention. Its actual measurement has become a hot topic in media circles. Furthermore, attention differs across platforms and formats, making it crucial to rely on attention metrics to find the right platform for your brand. Read […]

    Not All Doom and Gloom: COVID-19 and Mobile Brands (Part I)

    The COVID-19 pandemic and the related lockdown of 2.9 billion people, one-third of the global population, have certainly caused an unprecedented turmoil worldwide. How are mobile brands affected and is it all negative – or just the opposite? We were thrilled to go through an insightful report outlining mobile trends January – June 2020 to help marketers […]

    Empowered Branding in Interesting Times (Part II)

    No doubt, the COVID-19 pandemic is turning our marketing strategies and perception of normality upside down. In Part I we gave you some empowering perspectives of the situation based on a recent Ogilvy report. Let’s consider some actionable guidance on how to generate new opportunities out of the inevitable transformation in a powerful way: Consider and […]