News about digital advertising and trends
An effective brand strategy will help you define your market position, understand customers better and create revenue growth. However, are you torn between performance marketing and brand building? Wanting to invest in your brand’s future but also to secure the bottom line and ROI? In either case, the struggle is real – and happens on a […]
Did you think that the past twelve months of paid advertising activity would be marked by reduced spend and lower performance metrics? Metadata, the first operating system for B2B marketers, hypothesized so, too – only to admit that they were wrong. In their newly released B2B Paid Social Benchmarks report comparing “pre-recession” 2022 to “post-recession” […]
Do you have a favourite soft drink/chocolate/coffee brand? Guess what – the one that immediately comes to your mind holds the most brand equity with you. According to a Gartner study, 81% of organizations expect to compete based on customer experience. And what is brand equity? It’s the epitome of customer experience – how consumers think and […]
Do you know that platform plays the biggest role in how much your creative can achieve? When it comes to attention as the new currency for advertising, we look up to Prof. Karen Nelson-Field and her expertise. Recently, she presented on two interesting stages – Cannes in Cairns 2023 and the ThinkPremiumDigital event. At the latter, together with […]
What do fine dining and the number of clicks on your ad campaign have in common? Quite a lot, it turns out, but only for the marketing gourmands out there who can tell the difference. For every $3 spent on digital ads, $1 is lost to ad fraud. Therefore, according to Dr. Augustine Fou, a renowned independent […]
“Data is the new oil” – nowadays, we keep hearing what British mathematician Clive Humby once said back in 2006. It rings true even more in light of the latest developments in generative AI and the increasing concerns regarding the use of consumer information. Data is indeed the new oil of the digital economy. How […]
The concept of brand building has become particularly important nowadays, in view of sustainability, growth and the difficult to earn consumer trust. In our previous publication, we explored the benefits of increasing your ad spend particularly in turbulent times. When it comes to the 4Ps of marketing, how do you set the price of your […]
First, there was the global pandemic, then the war in Ukraine, followed by a recession topped with major bank failures… Who knows what’s coming next. These are certainly challenging times to survive, let alone thrive. Tempted to go dark and cut your advertising spend? Huge mistake, multiple studies suggest. In fact, you should maintain and […]
“Unviewable ads are, as former Unilever CMO Keith Weed so brilliantly put it, like having your billboards underwater. A complete waste of money”, marketing guru Mark Ritson reminded us recently. We couldn’t agree more. According to research from Professor Karen Nelson-Field, it takes more than two seconds of attention to have any lasting impact on […]
Do you remember the latest Coca-Cola ‘Masterpiece’ ad featuring contemporary artists and their works enhanced with AI? How can we forget it – it’s literally every marketer’s dream to achieve that level of top-of-mind awareness for their brand. Mental availability is the concept used in advertising and marketing to describe the consumer’s ability to recall a particular brand or product when they are in […]