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    News about digital advertising and trends


    Ageing Consumers as a Lucrative Market

    If you’ve read our publications on Gen Z, you are aware that marketing to specific consumer segments has become a primary goal for a variety of brands.  A comprehensive recent report by Euromonitor International reviews the global ageing trends towards 2040, specifically the income and spending patterns of the steadily increasing consumer demographic aged 65+. Intrigued? Let’s […]


    Ad Spend Transparency and Traceability: A Mission (still to be made) Possible?

    In a world of growing programmatic advertising, notwithstanding the current COVID-19-related implications, transparency is becoming a key concern. This recent analysis outlines the importance of transparency defined as total visibility of the buying funnel, including ad placement, pricing and data, for an optimized ad spending and delivery. The key takeaways are nothing short of stunning: According to […]


    Empowered Branding in Interesting Times (Part II)

    No doubt, the COVID-19 pandemic is turning our marketing strategies and perception of normality upside down. In Part I we gave you some empowering perspectives of the situation based on a recent Ogilvy report. Let’s consider some actionable guidance on how to generate new opportunities out of the inevitable transformation in a powerful way: Consider and […]


    Empowered Branding in Interesting Times (Part I)

    Amidst the COVID-19 pandemic-related anxiety and confusion, it gave us a thrill to read an insightful report by Ogilvy on the importance of branding in turbulent times. While we, in our capacity of both humans and marketers, are doing our best to navigate the murky waters of an unprecedented crisis, let’s take a moment to absorb an […]


    Advertising to Gen Z: Go Edgy or Go Home (Part II)

    If you’ve read Part I of our article, you are familiar with some of Gen Z’s behavioral traits. For marketers though, the real question is how to re-engineer advertising efforts in order to focus on properly communicating, connecting with and catering to this specific customer base. Let’s take a deeper dive:  Go edgy, not traditional: Processing […]


    Advertising to Gen Z: Go Edgy or Go Home (Part I)

    According to organizational psychologist Dr. Benjamin Hardy, the brain thrives on novelty, newness and challenge. Apparently, so does Generation Z – the new breed of consumers born after 1995. Research studies like this and this only confirm that in 2020, advertising campaigns should not only adapt to but also deeply resonate with the powerful evolving consumer of the future. […]